Who are we?
We began trading Christmas trees in 1986. This was on a small scale because we were fulltime employed elsewhere. The fields grew bigger, and Lars became fulltime Christmas tree producer.
During the first many years we dealt solely with Nordmann Fir, whereas our main production now is Norway Spruce (Picea Abies) and Omorika.
Over the latest three years we have developed a method to dig the trees and place them in pots. So now we offer many different types of Christmas trees in different sizes of pots.
Many years ago, Lars developed the EASY ROLLER (www.hd2412.co.uk) to be used in leader control. OPTIMIN spray fertilizer (www.hd2412.co.uk) is also an invention that we have made.
We now own a concern with several employees, and we both work fulltime with the production of Christmas trees.